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Article: Sardines reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and help prevent the formation of blood clots, according to a Harvard study

Sardinės mažina širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizikas, padeda užkirsti kelią kraujo krešulių susidarymui, atskleidžia Harvardo atliktas tyrimas

Sardines reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and help prevent the formation of blood clots, according to a Harvard study

Sardines reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and help prevent the formation of blood clots, according to a Harvard study.

Sardines are not only a delicious and convenient food item in your home, but they are also a true source of nutrients that can significantly improve your heart and circulatory health. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that regular consumption of sardines, mackerel and similar ocean fish can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by more than 30% .

Benefits for cardiovascular health

Consuming one or two cans of sardines per week can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health. These fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body, lower blood pressure and lower triglycerides, which directly contribute to strengthening the heart.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Sardines are a natural and effective way to increase omega-3 levels in the human body. These fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, are known for their ability to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death, improve overall heart function, and prevent harmful blood clots.

An abundance of nutrients

In addition to omega-3s, sardines also contain other important nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium and selenium. These nutrients are essential for strong bones, brain health, and immune system support.

You can read more about the unique nutritional profile of sardines in our next article: Sardines are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet!

Optimal use recommendation:

For maximum health benefits, the Harvard School of Public Health recommends one to two servings (cans) of sardines per week. This ensures a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the human body.


Whether you like to eat them straight from the can, use them in salads or in your favorite other dishes, sardines are a versatile and delicious way to increase your nutritional value.

Sardines are a nutritional powerhouse that can play an important role in cardiovascular health. Harvard research highlights the importance of including sardines in your diet, highlighting their ability to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. They are not only rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but also in other important nutrients, making them an excellent choice for a balanced diet.

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