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Portuguese tinned sea wonders

The most popular flavors

Benefits in a can

Sardines caught off the coast of Portugal are considered one of the healthiest foods for good reason. The consumption of these fish can become not only a pleasure, but also benefit your health.



Velykiniai pusryčiai su Portugališkomis sardinėmis

Easter breakfast with Portuguese sardines

Easter is not only a celebration, but also a great opportunity to enjoy delicious, special dishes. If you are looking for new, nutritious ideas for Easter breakfast, these two recipes with Portugu...

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Tunų paštetu įdaryti kiaušiniai

Eggs stuffed with tuna pâté

These eggs stuffed with tuna pâté are an easy-to-prepare, yet elegant appetizer that brings out the rich flavor of Portuguese tuna. Perfect for parties, a quick snack, or a protein-packed snack, th...

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Skumbrių filė "Vilão" padaže su rugine duona

Mackerel fillet in "Vilão" sauce with rye bread

Mackerel fillet in Vilão sauce with rye bread is a quick and tasty meal of delicious Briosa Gourmet mackerel with olive oil, chili peppers and spices. The mackerel fillet is served with a crusty to...

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Beata Nicholson: sardinių gerbėja ir mūsų įkvėpimas!

Beata Nicholson: sardine fan and our inspiration!

Famous culinary personality Beata Nicholson shared her love for Portuguese canned sardines on her Instagram stories, presenting a quick and nutritious dish with fresh vegetables and avocado. Sardin...

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Mityba, sportas ir sardinės: sveikata besirūpinančių sąjungininkai

Nutrition, Fitness, and Sardines: the ultimate allies for health-conscious athletes

Sardines are a small but highly nutritious “superfood” that athletes and health enthusiasts love. Packed with high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, they help athletes recover f...

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Naujas ir stilingas konservuotų žuvų kultas baruose

A new and stylish cult of canned fish in bars

Try visiting the most fashionable wine bar of the Millennial generation in Western Europe and you will be sure that there is something new waiting for you here - fun, intertwining flavors and aroma...

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Tinned sea wonders