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Ką apie konservuotas sardines sako dietologai?

What do nutritionists say about canned sardines?

Nutritionists say they can help boost heart health because of their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Sardines can also help prevent type 2 diabete...

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7 priežastys, kodėl Portugališkos konservuotos sardinės yra geresnis pasirinkimas

7 reasons why Portuguese canned sardines are a better choice

The ocean off the coast of Portugal is famous for its cleanliness compared to the very busy and industrialized Mediterranean, so for consumers seeking a special gourmet experience, canned Portugues...

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Sardinės mažina širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizikas, padeda užkirsti kelią kraujo krešulių susidarymui, atskleidžia Harvardo atliktas tyrimas

Sardines reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and help prevent the formation of blood clots, according to a Harvard study

Eating one or two cans of sardines a week can significantly reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health.

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Sardinių spiečius Atlanto vandenyne

Sardines are one of the most nutritious fish in the world!

Sardines are one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Because of the many beneficial nutrients they store, these fish can play a great role in your healthy eating journey

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Sprats or sardines? Sprats are not Portuguese sardines!

Sprats in oil and sardines are both canned fish products, but a closer look or taste reveals a big difference. Their appearance, taste, preparation, fish quality, fish size, nutritional composition...

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Sardinės naudingos kūdikiams!

Benefits of sardines for children

Sardines are an excellent food supplement for children. Small, oily fish are one of the best sources of natural seafood omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA. Omega-3 promotes cardiovascular health, c...

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