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10 įdomių faktų apie sardines, kuriuos privalo žinoti kiekvienas Portugalijos konservuotų žuvų gerbėjas

10 interesting facts about sardines that every fan of Portuguese preserved fish must know

Find out what fascinates not only Portugal, but the whole world about these preserves. More than just canned fish, they embody the Portuguese love of seafood and deep values ​​of sustainability. I...

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Konservuotos sardinės ir skumbrės: idėjos šventiniam Šv. Kūčių stalui!

Canned sardines: idea for festive Christmas Eve table

Discover the rich and diverse St. Christmas traditions in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Each Baltic country has its own customs and festive dishes, and canned sardines, rich in nutrients and excep...

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Sardinės padeda valdyti kūno svorį ir pagerinti mitybos pusiausvyrą

Sardines help manage body weight and improve nutritional balance

Sardines are an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight. Canned sardines not only help keep you full longer, but are also rich in important nutrients th...

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Kodėl valgyti konservuotas sardines šaltuoju metų laiku yra labai naudinga?

Why is it so beneficial to eat canned sardines during the cold season?

Canned sardines are a superfood that can boost health during the cold season. Whether you're facing long, dark winters in the Baltics, northern Europe, or braving the cold in Canada, sardines provi...

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Vyno derinimas su konservuotomis portugališkomis sardinėmis: tobuli ir stilingi deriniai

Pairing wine with canned Portuguese sardines: perfect and stylish pairings

Have you ever thought that pairing canned fish and wine could be such an engaging process? These are unique combinations of flavors, especially little known in the Baltic countries. We take canned ...

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Puiki Kalėdinė dovana gurmanams - Portugališki žuvies konservai!

Why is Portuguese canned fish a great Christmas gift?

Portuguese preserved fish - sardines, mackerel, cod or even eel - is an ideal choice for Christmas, combining exceptional taste, tradition and health benefits.

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Portugališkų konservuotų sardinių rūšys

Types of Portuguese canned sardines

The Portuguese canning industry is famous for its high-quality products that keep sardines completely fresh. Sardines can be preserved with tomatoes, lemon, peppers, chilies or bay leaves, giving t...

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Sardinės alyvuogių aliejuje: konservavimo kokybės svarba sveikatai

Sardines in olive oil: importance of preservation quality for health

Many of us do not think about the importance of olive oil, which contains canned fish. The truth is that the quality of olive oil directly affects not only the taste of fish, but also their nutriti...

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"Žuvies konservai" ar "Konservuotos žuvys"?

"Canned Fish", "Preserved Fish" or "Tinned Fish": unpacking nuanced differences

The choice between these terms depends on the context, audience, and the specific aspect of the product one wishes to emphasize. Understanding these subtle differences highlights the power of langu...

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Konservuotos sardinės ir alus

Canned sardines and beer

The combination of Portuguese sardines and beer creates an unexpectedly pleasant experience. The key is to match the different flavors of sardines with the right beer, creating a harmony that bring...

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